Sight Reading Tip #1: Why Technique Matters

Oct 09, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

You may think sight reading doesn’t have much to do with your technique. But here’s the simple fact: you can't sight read a passage fluently if you can't play it. Your technique needs to be up to the demands you want to make of it. Of course your technique will improve gradually over time with regular practice, but you need to be sure you are doing the right kind of technical practice.

One thing you absolutely must do is practice your fundamentals like scales and arpeggios and chords. These are the building blocks of everything we play. If your fingers can play these patterns fluently, any music you pick up will be easier for you to learn or sight read. Practice these patterns in etudes as well, because the etudes will help your fingers recognize these patterns when they arise. You won’t have to think about or read each individual note. Your fingers will almost automatically “read” the notes and play them without you telling them. Be sure to practice these fundamental patterns hands together as well as hands separately. After all, most pieces you sight read will require hands together playing.

In addition, practice your exercises at different speeds. Your fingers need to be able to play slowly and quickly and at every speed in between. You're training your fingers to respond confidently, accurately and more or less automatically in any situation. The more varied and demanding your technical practice, the smoother your  fingers will perform when you sight read.

Lastly, change your technique drills regularly. If you always practice the same exercises, your fingers will get very good at those exercises. However, they need to be flexible and adaptable to other patterns as well. You could try using a different exercise book or rotating between several. Working through an entire etude book will give your fingers a good education too. Be sure to ask your teacher for his or her recommendations. They will have good advice for you!

Stay tuned for tip #2 next week!


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