3 Steps to Stronger Fingers

Apr 10, 2024

What does it mean to have strong fingers? It means that a harpist’s fingers play using the most efficient position and action and do it consistently. This produces a rich tone, even articulation and agility. 

Harp fingers are strong when they play with: 

  • Fullness, not force.
  • Motion, not muscle.
  • Precision, not pulling.

Strength doesn’t involve muscling your way through your music or plucking the strings harder. It comes from using your fingers’ natural structure to produce the sound you want with less effort. The first step, then, is to curve your fingers.

A straight finger has very little control over how it plays. A curved finger, though, allows your finger to be relaxed but strong. It forms the shape of an arch which allows you to use the leverage of your whole finger to play the string. Your finger can produce a full sound with relatively little effort. Training your fingers, then, to play with curved knuckles will allow your fingers to play with a consistent, even tone and relaxation. 

Once your finger has played the string, it needs to close fully into your hand. Why? Because the motion of closing produces the fullest sound. Try closing your fingers into your palm, making a smooth, complete motion. Feel the motion of the entire length of your finger, from the knuckle at the back of your hand to the tip. Repeat that motion at the harp. Try playing without closing. How do the two ways sound and feel different to you?

The third factor for building strong fingers is to stay relaxed. Tension makes playing harder and can lead to injury. Strong fingers play easily because they are relaxed. Playing too hard or with tension can collapse the arch of your finger and lead to buzzing. It’s all about staying loose!

Here is a simple way to remember the key points of finger strength; ACE it!

A: Arch. It’s all about the arch.

C: Close completely. Use the entire length of your finger.

E: Easy. Don’t try too hard. Take it easy!


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