The usual definition of a professional musician is a person who gets paid for playing music. Simple, and true enough, as far as it goes. But most professional musicians would define it much more broadly.
Can’t get your piece moving fast enough? Try playing along with an up-to-tempo recording. Put that CD on, or fire up YouTube, put on a pair of headphones and play along with the recording. Don't worry about wrong notes. That's what the headphones are for, so you can't hear yourself so well. Just try to keep up. Do this several times and your fingers will start to get the message.
For Parents
Encourage Healthy Harping
It’s easy to be proud of high achieving students. These students are motivated and successful and they understand the work that is necessary to achieve. If your harpist is one of these, you can do her a great service by reminding her of the importance of breaks and rest within their practice sessions. Taking a 5 or 10 minute break every hour of practice helps maintain focus and prevents burnout, frustration and sore fingers.
For Teachers
4 Review Strategies: #4 - Monthly “Recital”
Having your students play for one another is a great way to inspire them and to create a feeling of camaraderie and belonging among your students. Try arranging a monthly Saturday morning get together and have each student play a little of a piece they are learning. No teaching or coaching required; just some encouragement, cheerleading and maybe some cookies!
Register Now for Our Summer Programs
Harp Quest Summer Live Day Camp
New this year! A great option for anyone close to the Philadelphia area, our day camp for young harpists ages 9-18 is open for registration.
One of Puccini’s most beloved opera arias in a simple and lovely arrangement playable on lever or pedal harp. The PDF includes three versions: a version in A flat Major, an identical version in G Major and a simplified version in G Major. No pedal or lever changes.
One of Puccini’s most beloved opera arias in a simple and lovely arrangement playable on lever or pedal harp. The PDF includes three versions: a version in A flat Major, an identical version in G Major and a simplified version in G Major. No pedal or lever changes.
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