My New Year Wish For You Dec 28, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

At Harp Mastery® and Harp Quest we talk a lot about harp happiness. Harp happiness can mean many different things, but in a general sense it means playing the music you...

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10 Tips for Happy Healthy Hands Dec 21, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

Tired hands, sore fingers, tense shoulders. These are all signs of a harpist who is having a busy December with lots of playing.

Sure, playing is fun, but it's not so much...

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5 Fingering Do’s and Don'ts Dec 14, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

“To change the fingering or not to change it; that is the question.” If Hamlet had been a harpist, his famous speech might have started with those words.


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7 Tips for Happy Holiday Gigs – Know Before You Go! Dec 07, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

Holiday parties are fun if you’re a guest. But when you’re the band, they can be tiring, monotonous, and if you’re not careful, a minefield of...

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How to Jumpstart Your Harp Playing Even When You’re Too Busy to Practice Nov 30, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

December is a crazy time for every harpist. There are more concerts and performances and other playing opportunities in this one month than in most of the rest of the year...

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Do You Want to Be a Better Harpist? Follow the 5 B’s! Nov 23, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

Learning to play the harp can seem very complicated. The harp itself is complicated.  You have to learn how to move levers or pedals, change strings that break, play...

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How to Have a Great Lesson - Every Time Nov 16, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

A lesson is for learning. But maybe not in the way you think.

A great lesson isn't just one where you play really well. It’s a lesson in which you learn really well....

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Exercise Your Power of Choice: How to Choose a College Nov 09, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

It’s that time of year when many sharp students are thinking about their college choices. Deciding on a college can be nerve-racking. There are so many things to...

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Special Effects Aren’t Just for the Movies Nov 02, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

The harpist and composer Carlos Salzedo strove to be an agent of change in the harp world. His aim was to bring the harp into the modern musical world of the early twentieth...

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Are You Smarter Than Your Phone? Oct 26, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

I bet you have a smartphone.

It’s an easy guess. A 2021 survey reported that 91% of 14 year olds in the United States have a smartphone. I figure that applies to 14...

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Super Ways to Practice Scales Oct 19, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

Scales might be your least favorite part of your harp practice. Maybe you think of them like your least favorite vegetable; you eat it because it’s good for you, but...

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The 3 C’s of Powerful Dynamics Oct 12, 2022

By Anne Sullivan 

We musicians hear the word “dynamics” and automatically think soft, loud or in-between. But the root of the word dynamic means power, and that’s what our...

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